I did what I intended, which was a simple head-sketch of Roger, the Homonculus. But it's made me want to do a full-body shot now, so this is definitely a character I'll be revisiting.
I "stole" this pose when I saw a cool image of this character, Canti, in one of my artbooks, but it is not traced and has some variations. Just trying to be upfront about what I was doing with this l'il sketch.
If you can guess what tomorrow's skag is, I'll let you request something in the future. Today's is actually a request, 'cuz someone won a guessing game I had on my e/n blog.
Things I intend to sketch for this blog in the coming year: Batman, Spider-Man, a Cylon, Hector Plasm, a vampire, myself, a Transformer, Superman, Iron Fist, Abe Sapien, Jason Voorhees, Tom Brady, Wolverine. I hope I don't run out of idears.
Going with the "monster" theme for a little while. From time to time, I may also have little games or contests on my E/N blog (link to the right) where a winner can request something. Already have two of those to get to eventually.
Little tidbit of info on these sketches - they are all very small. Smaller than what you see sometimes. This one, for intance, was about 3.5 inches tall.